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__author__ = "Daniil Fajnberg"
__copyright__ = "Copyright © 2022 Daniil Fajnberg"
__license__ = """GNU LGPLv3.0
This file is part of asyncio-taskpool.
asyncio-taskpool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
version 3.0 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
asyncio-taskpool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with asyncio-taskpool.
If not, see <>."""
__doc__ = """
This module contains the the definition of the `CommandParser` class used in a control server session.
from argparse import Action, ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, HelpFormatter
from asyncio.streams import StreamWriter
from typing import Type, TypeVar
from .constants import SESSION_WRITER, CLIENT_INFO
from .exceptions import HelpRequested
FmtCls = TypeVar('FmtCls', bound=Type[HelpFormatter])
FORMATTER_CLASS = 'formatter_class'
NUM = 'num'
class CommandParser(ArgumentParser):
Subclass of the standard `argparse.ArgumentParser` for remote interaction.
Such a parser is not supposed to ever print to stdout/stderr, but instead direct all messages to a `StreamWriter`
instance passed to it during initialization.
Furthermore, it requires defining the width of the terminal, to adjust help formatting to the terminal size of a
connected client.
Finally, it offers some convenience methods and makes use of custom exceptions.
def help_formatter_factory(terminal_width: int, base_cls: FmtCls = None) -> FmtCls:
Constructs and returns a subclass of `argparse.HelpFormatter` with a fixed terminal width argument.
Although a custom formatter class can be explicitly passed into the `ArgumentParser` constructor, this is not
as convenient, when making use of sub-parsers.
The number of columns of the terminal to which to adjust help formatting.
base_cls (optional):
The base class to use for inheritance. By default `argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter` is used.
The subclass of `base_cls` which fixes the constructor's `width` keyword-argument to `terminal_width`.
if base_cls is None:
base_cls = ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
class ClientHelpFormatter(base_cls):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
kwargs['width'] = terminal_width
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
return ClientHelpFormatter
def __init__(self, parent: 'CommandParser' = None, **kwargs) -> None:
Sets additional internal attributes depending on whether a parent-parser was defined.
The `help_formatter_factory` is called and the returned class is mapped to the `FORMATTER_CLASS` keyword.
By default, `exit_on_error` is set to `False` (as opposed to how the parent class handles it).
parent (optional):
An instance of the same class. Intended to be passed as a keyword-argument into the `add_parser` method
of the subparsers action returned by the `ArgumentParser.add_subparsers` method. If this is present,
the `SESSION_WRITER` and `CLIENT_INFO.TERMINAL_WIDTH` keywords must not be present in `kwargs`.
In addition to the regular `ArgumentParser` constructor parameters, this method expects the instance of
the `StreamWriter` as well as the terminal width both to be passed explicitly, if the `parent` argument
is empty.
self._session_writer: StreamWriter = parent.session_writer if parent else kwargs.pop(SESSION_WRITER)
self._terminal_width: int = parent.terminal_width if parent else kwargs.pop(CLIENT_INFO.TERMINAL_WIDTH)
kwargs[FORMATTER_CLASS] = self.help_formatter_factory(self._terminal_width, kwargs.get(FORMATTER_CLASS))
kwargs.setdefault('exit_on_error', False)
def session_writer(self) -> StreamWriter:
"""Returns the predefined stream writer object of the control session."""
return self._session_writer
def terminal_width(self) -> int:
"""Returns the predefined terminal width."""
return self._terminal_width
def _print_message(self, message: str, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
"""This is overridden to ensure that no messages are sent to stdout/stderr, but always to the stream writer."""
if message:
def exit(self, status: int = 0, message: str = None) -> None:
"""This is overridden to prevent system exit to be invoked."""
if message:
def print_help(self, file=None) -> None:
"""This just adds the custom `HelpRequested` exception after the parent class' method."""
raise HelpRequested
def add_optional_num_argument(self, *name_or_flags: str, **kwargs) -> Action:
"""Convenience method for `add_argument` setting the name, `nargs`, `default`, and `type`, unless specified."""
if not name_or_flags:
name_or_flags = (NUM, )
kwargs.setdefault('nargs', '?')
kwargs.setdefault('default', 1)
kwargs.setdefault('type', int)
return self.add_argument(*name_or_flags, **kwargs)