import logging from asyncio import gather from asyncio.coroutines import iscoroutine, iscoroutinefunction from asyncio.exceptions import CancelledError from asyncio.locks import Event, Semaphore from asyncio.tasks import Task, create_task from functools import partial from math import inf from typing import Any, Awaitable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List from . import exceptions from .helpers import execute_optional, star_function from .types import ArgsT, KwArgsT, CoroutineFunc, EndCallbackT, CancelCallbackT log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BaseTaskPool: """The base class for task pools. Not intended to be used directly.""" _pools: List['BaseTaskPool'] = [] @classmethod def _add_pool(cls, pool: 'BaseTaskPool') -> int: """Adds a `pool` (instance of any subclass) to the general list of pools and returns it's index in the list.""" cls._pools.append(pool) return len(cls._pools) - 1 def __init__(self, pool_size: int = inf, name: str = None) -> None: """Initializes the necessary internal attributes and adds the new pool to the general pools list.""" self._enough_room: Semaphore = Semaphore() self.pool_size = pool_size self._open: bool = True self._counter: int = 0 self._running: Dict[int, Task] = {} self._cancelled: Dict[int, Task] = {} self._ended: Dict[int, Task] = {} self._num_cancelled: int = 0 self._num_ended: int = 0 self._idx: int = self._add_pool(self) self._name: str = name self._all_tasks_known_flag: Event = Event() self._all_tasks_known_flag.set() self._interrupt_flag: Event = Event() log.debug("%s initialized", str(self)) def __str__(self) -> str: return f'{self.__class__.__name__}-{self._name or self._idx}' @property def pool_size(self) -> int: """Returns the maximum number of concurrently running tasks currently set in the pool.""" return self._pool_size @pool_size.setter def pool_size(self, value: int) -> None: """ Sets the maximum number of concurrently running tasks in the pool. Args: value: A non-negative integer. NOTE: Increasing the pool size will immediately start tasks that are awaiting enough room to run. Raises: `ValueError` if `value` is less than 0. """ if value < 0: raise ValueError("Pool size can not be less than 0") self._enough_room._value = value self._pool_size = value @property def is_open(self) -> bool: """Returns `True` if more the pool has not been closed yet.""" return self._open @property def num_running(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of tasks in the pool that are (at that moment) still running. At the moment a task's `end_callback` is fired, it is no longer considered to be running. """ return len(self._running) @property def num_cancelled(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of tasks in the pool that have been cancelled through the pool (up until that moment). At the moment a task's `cancel_callback` is fired, it is considered cancelled and no longer running. """ return self._num_cancelled @property def num_ended(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of tasks started through the pool that have stopped running (up until that moment). At the moment a task's `end_callback` is fired, it is considered ended. When a task is cancelled, it is not immediately considered ended; only after its `cancel_callback` has returned, does it then actually end. """ return self._num_ended @property def num_finished(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of tasks in the pool that have actually finished running (without having been cancelled). """ return self._num_ended - self._num_cancelled + len(self._cancelled) @property def is_full(self) -> bool: """ Returns `False` only if (at that moment) the number of running tasks is below the pool's specified size. When the pool is full, any call to start a new task within it will block. """ return self._enough_room.locked() # TODO: Consider adding task group names def _task_name(self, task_id: int) -> str: """Returns a standardized name for a task with a specific `task_id`.""" return f'{self}_Task-{task_id}' async def _task_cancellation(self, task_id: int, custom_callback: CancelCallbackT = None) -> None: """ Universal callback to be run upon any task in the pool being cancelled. Required for keeping track of running/cancelled tasks and proper logging. Args: task_id: The ID of the task that has been cancelled. custom_callback (optional): A callback to execute after cancellation of the task. It is run at the end of this function with the `task_id` as its only positional argument. """ log.debug("Cancelling %s ...", self._task_name(task_id)) self._cancelled[task_id] = self._running.pop(task_id) self._num_cancelled += 1 log.debug("Cancelled %s", self._task_name(task_id)) await execute_optional(custom_callback, args=(task_id,)) async def _task_ending(self, task_id: int, custom_callback: EndCallbackT = None) -> None: """ Universal callback to be run upon any task in the pool ending its work. Required for keeping track of running/cancelled/ended tasks and proper logging. Also releases room in the task pool for potentially waiting tasks. Args: task_id: The ID of the task that has reached its end. custom_callback (optional): A callback to execute after the task has ended. It is run at the end of this function with the `task_id` as its only positional argument. """ try: self._ended[task_id] = self._running.pop(task_id) except KeyError: self._ended[task_id] = self._cancelled.pop(task_id) self._num_ended += 1 self._enough_room.release()"Ended %s", self._task_name(task_id)) await execute_optional(custom_callback, args=(task_id,)) async def _task_wrapper(self, awaitable: Awaitable, task_id: int, end_callback: EndCallbackT = None, cancel_callback: CancelCallbackT = None) -> Any: """ Universal wrapper around every task to be run in the pool. Returns/raises whatever the wrapped coroutine does. Args: awaitable: The actual coroutine to be run within the task pool. task_id: The ID of the newly created task. end_callback (optional): A callback to execute after the task has ended. It is run with the `task_id` as its only positional argument. cancel_callback (optional): A callback to execute after cancellation of the task. It is run with the `task_id` as its only positional argument. """"Started %s", self._task_name(task_id)) try: return await awaitable except CancelledError: await self._task_cancellation(task_id, custom_callback=cancel_callback) finally: await self._task_ending(task_id, custom_callback=end_callback) async def _start_task(self, awaitable: Awaitable, ignore_closed: bool = False, end_callback: EndCallbackT = None, cancel_callback: CancelCallbackT = None) -> int: """ Starts a coroutine as a new task in the pool. This method blocks, **only if** the pool is full. Returns/raises whatever the wrapped coroutine does. Args: awaitable: The actual coroutine to be run within the task pool. ignore_closed (optional): If `True`, even if the pool is closed, the task will still be started. end_callback (optional): A callback to execute after the task has ended. It is run with the task's ID as its only positional argument. cancel_callback (optional): A callback to execute after cancellation of the task. It is run with the task's ID as its only positional argument. Raises: `asyncio_taskpool.exceptions.NotCoroutine` if `awaitable` is not a coroutine. `asyncio_taskpool.exceptions.PoolIsClosed` if the pool has been closed and `ignore_closed` is `False`. """ if not iscoroutine(awaitable): raise exceptions.NotCoroutine(f"Not awaitable: {awaitable}") if not (self.is_open or ignore_closed): raise exceptions.PoolIsClosed("Cannot start new tasks") await self._enough_room.acquire() task_id = self._counter self._counter += 1 try: self._running[task_id] = create_task( self._task_wrapper(awaitable, task_id, end_callback, cancel_callback), name=self._task_name(task_id) ) except Exception as e: self._enough_room.release() raise e return task_id def _get_running_task(self, task_id: int) -> Task: """ Gets a running task by its task ID. Args: task_id: The ID of a task still running within the pool. Raises: `asyncio_taskpool.exceptions.AlreadyCancelled` if the task with `task_id` has been (recently) cancelled. `asyncio_taskpool.exceptions.AlreadyEnded` if the task with `task_id` has ended (recently). `asyncio_taskpool.exceptions.InvalidTaskID` if no task with `task_id` is known to the pool. """ try: return self._running[task_id] except KeyError: if self._cancelled.get(task_id): raise exceptions.AlreadyCancelled(f"{self._task_name(task_id)} has already been cancelled") if self._ended.get(task_id): raise exceptions.AlreadyEnded(f"{self._task_name(task_id)} has finished running") raise exceptions.InvalidTaskID(f"No task with ID {task_id} found in {self}") def cancel(self, *task_ids: int, msg: str = None) -> None: """ Cancels the tasks with the specified IDs. Each task ID must belong to a task still running within the pool. Otherwise one of the following exceptions will be raised: - `AlreadyCancelled` if one of the `task_ids` belongs to a task that has been (recently) cancelled. - `AlreadyEnded` if one of the `task_ids` belongs to a task that has ended (recently). - `InvalidTaskID` if any of the `task_ids` is not known to the pool. Note that once a pool has been flushed, any IDs of tasks that have ended previously will be forgotten. Args: task_ids: Arbitrary number of integers. Each must be an ID of a task still running within the pool. msg (optional): Passed to the `Task.cancel()` method of every task specified by the `task_ids`. """ tasks = [self._get_running_task(task_id) for task_id in task_ids] for task in tasks: task.cancel(msg=msg) def cancel_all(self, msg: str = None) -> None: """ Cancels all tasks still running within the pool. Note that there may be an unknown number of coroutine functions "queued" to be run as tasks. This can happen, if for example the `` method was called with `num_tasks` set to a number smaller than the number of arguments from `args_iter`. In this case, those already running will be cancelled, while the following will **never even start**. Args: msg (optional): Passed to the `Task.cancel()` method of every task specified by the `task_ids`. """ log.warning("%s cancelling all tasks!", str(self)) self._interrupt_flag.set() for task in self._running.values(): task.cancel(msg=msg) async def flush(self, return_exceptions: bool = False): """ Calls `asyncio.gather` on all ended/cancelled tasks from the pool, returns their results, and forgets the tasks. This method blocks, **only if** any of the tasks block while catching a `asyncio.CancelledError` or any of the callbacks registered for the tasks block. Args: return_exceptions (optional): Passed directly into `gather`. """ results = await gather(*self._ended.values(), *self._cancelled.values(), return_exceptions=return_exceptions) self._ended = self._cancelled = {} if self._interrupt_flag.is_set(): self._interrupt_flag.clear() return results def close(self) -> None: """Disallows any more tasks to be started in the pool.""" self._open = False"%s is closed!", str(self)) async def gather(self, return_exceptions: bool = False): """ Calls `asyncio.gather` on **all** tasks from the pool, returns their results, and forgets the tasks. The `close()` method must have been called prior to this. Note that there may be an unknown number of coroutine functions "queued" to be run as tasks. This can happen, if for example the `` method was called with `num_tasks` set to a number smaller than the number of arguments from `args_iter`. In this case, calling `cancel_all()` prior to this, will prevent those tasks from starting and potentially blocking this method. Otherwise it will wait until they all have started. This method may also block, if any task blocks while catching a `asyncio.CancelledError` or if any of the callbacks registered for a task blocks. Args: return_exceptions (optional): Passed directly into `gather`. Raises: `asyncio_taskpool.exceptions.PoolStillOpen` if the pool has not been closed yet. """ if self._open: raise exceptions.PoolStillOpen("Pool must be closed, before tasks can be gathered") await self._all_tasks_known_flag.wait() results = await gather(*self._ended.values(), *self._cancelled.values(), *self._running.values(), return_exceptions=return_exceptions) self._ended = self._cancelled = self._running = {} if self._interrupt_flag.is_set(): self._interrupt_flag.clear() return results class TaskPool(BaseTaskPool): """ General task pool class. Attempts to somewhat emulate part of the interface of `multiprocessing.pool.Pool` from the stdlib. A `TaskPool` instance can manage an arbitrary number of concurrent tasks from any coroutine function. Tasks in the pool can all belong to the same coroutine function, but they can also come from any number of different and unrelated coroutine functions. As long as there is room in the pool, more tasks can be added. (By default, there is no pool size limit.) Each task started in the pool receives a unique ID, which can be used to cancel specific tasks at any moment. Adding tasks blocks **only if** the pool is full at that moment. """ async def _apply_one(self, func: CoroutineFunc, args: ArgsT = (), kwargs: KwArgsT = None, end_callback: EndCallbackT = None, cancel_callback: CancelCallbackT = None) -> int: """ Creates a coroutine with the supplied arguments and runs it as a new task in the pool. This method blocks, **only if** the pool is full. Args: func: The coroutine function to be run as a task within the task pool. args (optional): The positional arguments to pass into the function call. kwargs (optional): The keyword-arguments to pass into the function call. end_callback (optional): A callback to execute after the task has ended. It is run with the task's ID as its only positional argument. cancel_callback (optional): A callback to execute after cancellation of the task. It is run with the task's ID as its only positional argument. Returns: The newly spawned task's ID within the pool. """ if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} return await self._start_task(func(*args, **kwargs), end_callback=end_callback, cancel_callback=cancel_callback) async def apply(self, func: CoroutineFunc, args: ArgsT = (), kwargs: KwArgsT = None, num: int = 1, end_callback: EndCallbackT = None, cancel_callback: CancelCallbackT = None) -> List[int]: """ Creates an arbitrary number of coroutines with the supplied arguments and runs them as new tasks in the pool. Each coroutine looks like `func(*args, **kwargs)`. This method blocks, **only if** there is not enough room in the pool for the desired number of new tasks. Args: func: The coroutine function to use for spawning the new tasks within the task pool. args (optional): The positional arguments to pass into each function call. kwargs (optional): The keyword-arguments to pass into each function call. num (optional): The number of tasks to spawn with the specified parameters. end_callback (optional): A callback to execute after a task has ended. It is run with the task's ID as its only positional argument. cancel_callback (optional): A callback to execute after cancellation of a task. It is run with the task's ID as its only positional argument. Returns: The newly spawned tasks' IDs within the pool as a list of integers. Raises: `NotCoroutine` if `func` is not a coroutine function. `PoolIsClosed` if the pool has been closed already. """ ids = await gather(*(self._apply_one(func, args, kwargs, end_callback, cancel_callback) for _ in range(num))) # TODO: for some reason PyCharm wrongly claims that `gather` returns a tuple of exceptions assert isinstance(ids, list) return ids async def _next_callback(self, task_id: int, func: CoroutineFunc, args_iter: Iterator[Any], arg_stars: int = 0, end_callback: EndCallbackT = None, cancel_callback: CancelCallbackT = None) -> None: """ Wrapper around an end callback function passed into the `_map()` method. To be used in conjunction with `_start_next_task()` to simulate a queue of coroutines to be started as tasks in the pool, whenever the `_map()` method is called. Args: task_id: The ID of the ending task. func: The coroutine function to use for spawning the tasks within the task pool. args_iter: The iterator of arguments; each element is to be passed into a `func` call when spawning a new task. arg_stars (optional): Whether or not to unpack an element from `args_iter` using stars; must be 0, 1, or 2. end_callback (optional): The actual callback specified to execute after the task (and the next one) has ended. It is run with the `task_id` as its only positional argument. cancel_callback (optional): The callback that was specified to execute after cancellation of the task (and the next one). It is run with the `task_id` as its only positional argument. """ reached_end = await self._start_next_task(func, args_iter, arg_stars=arg_stars, end_callback=end_callback, cancel_callback=cancel_callback) if reached_end: self._all_tasks_known_flag.set() await execute_optional(end_callback, args=(task_id,)) async def _start_next_task(self, func: CoroutineFunc, args_iter: Iterator[Any], arg_stars: int = 0, end_callback: EndCallbackT = None, cancel_callback: CancelCallbackT = None) -> bool: """ Starts a new task in the pool using the next element from the arguments iterator. Helper used in conjunction with the `_next_callback()` wrapper in the `_map()` method. Args: func: The coroutine function to use for spawning the tasks within the task pool. args_iter: The iterator of arguments; each element is to be passed into a `func` call when spawning a new task. arg_stars (optional): Whether or not to unpack an element from `args_iter` using stars; must be 0, 1, or 2. end_callback (optional): The callback specified to execute after a task (and the next one) has ended. It is run with the Task's ID as its only positional argument. cancel_callback (optional): The callback that was specified to execute after cancellation of the task (and the next one). It is run with the Task's ID as its only positional argument. Returns: `True` if the end of `args_iter` has been reached or the `_interrupt_flag` has been set; `False` otherwise. """ if self._interrupt_flag.is_set(): return True try: await self._start_task( star_function(func, next(args_iter), arg_stars=arg_stars), ignore_closed=True, end_callback=partial(TaskPool._next_callback, self, func=func, args_iter=args_iter, arg_stars=arg_stars, end_callback=end_callback, cancel_callback=cancel_callback), cancel_callback=cancel_callback ) except StopIteration: return True return False async def _map(self, func: CoroutineFunc, args_iter: ArgsT, arg_stars: int = 0, num_tasks: int = 1, end_callback: EndCallbackT = None, cancel_callback: CancelCallbackT = None) -> None: """ Creates coroutines with arguments from a supplied iterable and runs them as new tasks in the pool in chunks. Each coroutine looks like `func(arg)`, `func(*arg)`, or `func(**arg)`, `arg` being an element from the iterable. This method blocks, **only if** there is not enough room in the pool for the first chunk of new tasks. It clears the internal `_all_tasks_known_flag` until the end of the iterable of arguments has been reached, then sets it. TODO: This is wrong because it may interfere with another call to this method. Consider rebuilding this entire method using a `asyncio.Queue` instead of convoluted callbacks. Then instead of the `_all_tasks_known_flag` the pool's `gather` can wait on the Queue's `join`... Args: func: The coroutine function to use for spawning the new tasks within the task pool. args_iter: The iterable of arguments; each element is to be passed into a `func` call when spawning a new task. arg_stars (optional): Whether or not to unpack an element from `args_iter` using stars; must be 0, 1, or 2. num_tasks (optional): The maximum number of the new tasks to run concurrently. end_callback (optional): A callback to execute after a task has ended. It is run with the task's ID as its only positional argument. cancel_callback (optional): A callback to execute after cancellation of a task. It is run with the task's ID as its only positional argument. Raises: `asyncio_taskpool.exceptions.PoolIsClosed` if the pool has been closed. """ if not self.is_open: raise exceptions.PoolIsClosed("Cannot start new tasks") if self._all_tasks_known_flag.is_set(): self._all_tasks_known_flag.clear() args_iter = iter(args_iter) for _ in range(num_tasks): reached_end = await self._start_next_task(func, args_iter, arg_stars, end_callback, cancel_callback) if reached_end: self._all_tasks_known_flag.set() break async def map(self, func: CoroutineFunc, args_iter: ArgsT, num_tasks: int = 1, end_callback: EndCallbackT = None, cancel_callback: CancelCallbackT = None) -> None: await self._map(func, args_iter, arg_stars=0, num_tasks=num_tasks, end_callback=end_callback, cancel_callback=cancel_callback) async def starmap(self, func: CoroutineFunc, args_iter: Iterable[ArgsT], num_tasks: int = 1, end_callback: EndCallbackT = None, cancel_callback: CancelCallbackT = None) -> None: await self._map(func, args_iter, arg_stars=1, num_tasks=num_tasks, end_callback=end_callback, cancel_callback=cancel_callback) async def doublestarmap(self, func: CoroutineFunc, kwargs_iter: Iterable[KwArgsT], num_tasks: int = 1, end_callback: EndCallbackT = None, cancel_callback: CancelCallbackT = None) -> None: await self._map(func, kwargs_iter, arg_stars=2, num_tasks=num_tasks, end_callback=end_callback, cancel_callback=cancel_callback) class SimpleTaskPool(BaseTaskPool): def __init__(self, func: CoroutineFunc, args: ArgsT = (), kwargs: KwArgsT = None, end_callback: EndCallbackT = None, cancel_callback: CancelCallbackT = None, name: str = None) -> None: if not iscoroutinefunction(func): raise exceptions.NotCoroutine(f"Not a coroutine function: {func}") self._func: CoroutineFunc = func self._args: ArgsT = args self._kwargs: KwArgsT = kwargs if kwargs is not None else {} self._end_callback: EndCallbackT = end_callback self._cancel_callback: CancelCallbackT = cancel_callback super().__init__(name=name) @property def func_name(self) -> str: return self._func.__name__ @property def size(self) -> int: return self.num_running async def _start_one(self) -> int: return await self._start_task(self._func(*self._args, **self._kwargs), end_callback=self._end_callback, cancel_callback=self._cancel_callback) async def start(self, num: int = 1) -> List[int]: return [await self._start_one() for _ in range(num)] def stop(self, num: int = 1) -> List[int]: num = min(num, self.size) ids = [] for i, task_id in enumerate(reversed(self._running)): if i >= num: break ids.append(task_id) self.cancel(*ids) return ids def stop_all(self) -> List[int]: return self.stop(self.size)