import logging from asyncio import gather from asyncio.coroutines import iscoroutinefunction from asyncio.exceptions import CancelledError from asyncio.locks import Event from asyncio.tasks import Task, create_task from math import inf from typing import Any, Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple from . import exceptions from .types import ArgsT, KwArgsT, CoroutineFunc, FinalCallbackT, CancelCallbackT log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BaseTaskPool: """The base class for task pools. Not intended to be used directly.""" _pools: List['BaseTaskPool'] = [] @classmethod def _add_pool(cls, pool: 'BaseTaskPool') -> int: """Adds a `pool` (instance of any subclass) to the general list of pools and returns it's index in the list.""" cls._pools.append(pool) return len(cls._pools) - 1 def __init__(self, pool_size: int = inf, name: str = None) -> None: """Initializes the necessary internal attributes and adds the new pool to the general pools list.""" self.pool_size: int = pool_size self._open: bool = True self._counter: int = 0 self._running: Dict[int, Task] = {} self._cancelled: Dict[int, Task] = {} self._ending: int = 0 self._ended: Dict[int, Task] = {} self._idx: int = self._add_pool(self) self._name: str = name self._all_tasks_known_flag: Event = Event() self._all_tasks_known_flag.set() self._more_allowed_flag: Event = Event() self._check_more_allowed() log.debug("%s initialized", str(self)) def __str__(self) -> str: return f'{self.__class__.__name__}-{self._name or self._idx}' @property def is_open(self) -> bool: """Returns `True` if more the pool has not been closed yet.""" return self._open @property def num_running(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of tasks in the pool that are (at that moment) still running. At the moment a task's final callback function is fired, it is no longer considered to be running. """ return len(self._running) @property def num_cancelled(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of tasks in the pool that have been cancelled through the pool (up until that moment). At the moment a task's cancel callback function is fired, it is considered cancelled and no longer running. """ return len(self._cancelled) @property def num_ended(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of tasks started through the pool that have stopped running (up until that moment). At the moment a task's final callback function is fired, it is considered ended. When a task is cancelled, it is not immediately considered ended; only after its cancel callback function has returned, does it then actually end. """ return len(self._ended) @property def num_finished(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of tasks in the pool that have actually finished running (without having been cancelled). """ return self.num_ended - self.num_cancelled + self._ending @property def is_full(self) -> bool: """ Returns `False` only if (at that moment) the number of running tasks is below the pool's specified size. When the pool is full, any call to start a new task within it will block. """ return not self._more_allowed_flag.is_set() def _check_more_allowed(self) -> None: """ Sets or clears the internal event flag signalling whether or not the pool is full (i.e. whether more tasks can be started), if the current state of the pool demands it. """ if self.is_full and self.num_running < self.pool_size: self._more_allowed_flag.set() elif not self.is_full and self.num_running >= self.pool_size: self._more_allowed_flag.clear() def _task_name(self, task_id: int) -> str: """Returns a standardized name for a task with a specific `task_id`.""" return f'{self}_Task-{task_id}' async def _cancel_task(self, task_id: int, custom_callback: CancelCallbackT = None) -> None: log.debug("Cancelling %s ...", self._task_name(task_id)) task = self._running.pop(task_id) assert task is not None self._cancelled[task_id] = task self._ending += 1 await _execute_function(custom_callback, args=(task_id, )) log.debug("Cancelled %s", self._task_name(task_id)) async def _end_task(self, task_id: int, custom_callback: FinalCallbackT = None) -> None: task = self._running.pop(task_id, None) if task is None: task = self._cancelled[task_id] self._ending -= 1 self._ended[task_id] = task await _execute_function(custom_callback, args=(task_id, )) self._check_more_allowed()"Ended %s", self._task_name(task_id)) async def _task_wrapper(self, awaitable: Awaitable, task_id: int, final_callback: FinalCallbackT = None, cancel_callback: CancelCallbackT = None) -> Any:"Started %s", self._task_name(task_id)) try: return await awaitable except CancelledError: await self._cancel_task(task_id, custom_callback=cancel_callback) finally: await self._end_task(task_id, custom_callback=final_callback) def _start_task(self, awaitable: Awaitable, ignore_closed: bool = False, final_callback: FinalCallbackT = None, cancel_callback: CancelCallbackT = None) -> int: if not (self.is_open or ignore_closed): raise exceptions.PoolIsClosed("Cannot start new tasks") # TODO: Implement this (and the dependent user-facing methods) as async to wait for room in the pool task_id = self._counter self._counter += 1 self._running[task_id] = create_task( self._task_wrapper(awaitable, task_id, final_callback, cancel_callback), name=self._task_name(task_id) ) self._check_more_allowed() return task_id def _cancel_one(self, task_id: int, msg: str = None) -> None: try: task = self._running[task_id] except KeyError: if self._cancelled.get(task_id): raise exceptions.AlreadyCancelled(f"{self._task_name(task_id)} has already been cancelled") if self._ended.get(task_id): raise exceptions.AlreadyFinished(f"{self._task_name(task_id)} has finished running") raise exceptions.InvalidTaskID(f"No task with ID {task_id} found in {self}") task.cancel(msg=msg) def cancel(self, *task_ids: int, msg: str = None) -> None: for task_id in task_ids: self._cancel_one(task_id, msg=msg) def cancel_all(self, msg: str = None) -> None: for task in self._running.values(): task.cancel(msg=msg) def close(self) -> None: self._open = False"%s is closed!", str(self)) async def gather(self, return_exceptions: bool = False): if self._open: raise exceptions.PoolStillOpen("Pool must be closed, before tasks can be gathered") await self._all_tasks_known_flag.wait() results = await gather(*self._running.values(), *self._ended.values(), return_exceptions=return_exceptions) self._running = self._cancelled = self._ended = {} return results class TaskPool(BaseTaskPool): def _apply_one(self, func: CoroutineFunc, args: ArgsT = (), kwargs: KwArgsT = None, final_callback: FinalCallbackT = None, cancel_callback: CancelCallbackT = None) -> int: if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} return self._start_task(func(*args, **kwargs), final_callback=final_callback, cancel_callback=cancel_callback) def apply(self, func: CoroutineFunc, args: ArgsT = (), kwargs: KwArgsT = None, num: int = 1, final_callback: FinalCallbackT = None, cancel_callback: CancelCallbackT = None) -> Tuple[int]: return tuple(self._apply_one(func, args, kwargs, final_callback, cancel_callback) for _ in range(num)) @staticmethod def _get_next_coroutine(func: CoroutineFunc, args_iter: Iterator[Any], arg_stars: int = 0) -> Optional[Awaitable]: try: arg = next(args_iter) except StopIteration: return if arg_stars == 0: return func(arg) if arg_stars == 1: return func(*arg) if arg_stars == 2: return func(**arg) raise ValueError def _map(self, func: CoroutineFunc, args_iter: ArgsT, arg_stars: int = 0, num_tasks: int = 1, final_callback: FinalCallbackT = None, cancel_callback: CancelCallbackT = None) -> None: if self._all_tasks_known_flag.is_set(): self._all_tasks_known_flag.clear() args_iter = iter(args_iter) def _start_next_coroutine() -> bool: cor = self._get_next_coroutine(func, args_iter, arg_stars) if cor is None: self._all_tasks_known_flag.set() return True self._start_task(cor, ignore_closed=True, final_callback=_start_next, cancel_callback=cancel_callback) return False async def _start_next(task_id: int) -> None: await _execute_function(final_callback, args=(task_id, )) _start_next_coroutine() for _ in range(num_tasks): reached_end = _start_next_coroutine() if reached_end: break def map(self, func: CoroutineFunc, args_iter: ArgsT, num_tasks: int = 1, final_callback: FinalCallbackT = None, cancel_callback: CancelCallbackT = None) -> None: self._map(func, args_iter, arg_stars=0, num_tasks=num_tasks, final_callback=final_callback, cancel_callback=cancel_callback) def starmap(self, func: CoroutineFunc, args_iter: Iterable[ArgsT], num_tasks: int = 1, final_callback: FinalCallbackT = None, cancel_callback: CancelCallbackT = None) -> None: self._map(func, args_iter, arg_stars=1, num_tasks=num_tasks, final_callback=final_callback, cancel_callback=cancel_callback) def doublestarmap(self, func: CoroutineFunc, kwargs_iter: Iterable[KwArgsT], num_tasks: int = 1, final_callback: FinalCallbackT = None, cancel_callback: CancelCallbackT = None) -> None: self._map(func, kwargs_iter, arg_stars=2, num_tasks=num_tasks, final_callback=final_callback, cancel_callback=cancel_callback) class SimpleTaskPool(BaseTaskPool): def __init__(self, func: CoroutineFunc, args: ArgsT = (), kwargs: KwArgsT = None, final_callback: FinalCallbackT = None, cancel_callback: CancelCallbackT = None, name: str = None) -> None: self._func: CoroutineFunc = func self._args: ArgsT = args self._kwargs: KwArgsT = kwargs if kwargs is not None else {} self._final_callback: FinalCallbackT = final_callback self._cancel_callback: CancelCallbackT = cancel_callback super().__init__(name=name) @property def func_name(self) -> str: return self._func.__name__ @property def size(self) -> int: return self.num_running def _start_one(self) -> int: return self._start_task(self._func(*self._args, **self._kwargs), final_callback=self._final_callback, cancel_callback=self._cancel_callback) def start(self, num: int = 1) -> List[int]: return [self._start_one() for _ in range(num)] def stop(self, num: int = 1) -> List[int]: num = min(num, self.size) ids = [] for i, task_id in enumerate(reversed(self._running)): if i >= num: break ids.append(task_id) self.cancel(*ids) return ids def stop_all(self) -> List[int]: return self.stop(self.size) async def _execute_function(func: Callable, args: ArgsT = (), kwargs: KwArgsT = None) -> None: if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} if callable(func): if iscoroutinefunction(func): await func(*args, **kwargs) else: func(*args, **kwargs)