
343 lines
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__author__ = "Daniil Fajnberg"
__copyright__ = "Copyright © 2022 Daniil Fajnberg"
__license__ = """GNU LGPLv3.0
This file is part of asyncio-taskpool.
asyncio-taskpool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
version 3.0 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
asyncio-taskpool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with asyncio-taskpool.
If not, see <>."""
__doc__ = """
Definition of the :class:`ControlParser` used in a
:class:`ControlSession <asyncio_taskpool.control.session.ControlSession>`.
It should not be considered part of the public API.
import logging
from argparse import Action, ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, HelpFormatter, ArgumentTypeError, SUPPRESS
from ast import literal_eval
from inspect import Parameter, getmembers, isfunction, signature
from io import StringIO
from shutil import get_terminal_size
from typing import Any, Callable, Container, Dict, Iterable, Set, Type, TypeVar
from ..exceptions import HelpRequested, ParserError
from ..internals.constants import CLIENT_INFO, CMD
from ..internals.helpers import get_first_doc_line, resolve_dotted_path
from ..internals.types import ArgsT, CancelCB, CoroutineFunc, EndCB, KwArgsT
__all__ = ['ControlParser']
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
FmtCls = TypeVar('FmtCls', bound=Type[HelpFormatter])
ParsersDict = Dict[str, 'ControlParser']
NAME, PROG, HELP, DESCRIPTION = 'name', 'prog', 'help', 'description'
class ControlParser(ArgumentParser):
Subclass of the standard :code:`argparse.ArgumentParser` for pool control.
Such a parser is not supposed to ever print to stdout/stderr, but instead direct all messages to a file-like
`StringIO` instance passed to it during initialization.
Furthermore, it requires defining the width of the terminal, to adjust help formatting to the terminal size of a
connected client.
Finally, it offers some convenience methods and makes use of custom exceptions.
def help_formatter_factory(terminal_width: int, base_cls: FmtCls = None) -> FmtCls:
Constructs and returns a subclass of :class:`argparse.HelpFormatter`
The formatter class will have the defined `terminal_width`.
Although a custom formatter class can be explicitly passed into the :class:`ArgumentParser` constructor,
this is not as convenient, when making use of sub-parsers.
The number of columns of the terminal to which to adjust help formatting.
base_cls (optional):
Base class to use for inheritance. By default :class:`argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter` is used.
The subclass of `base_cls` which fixes the constructor's `width` keyword-argument to `terminal_width`.
if base_cls is None:
base_cls = ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
class ClientHelpFormatter(base_cls):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
kwargs['width'] = terminal_width
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
return ClientHelpFormatter
def __init__(self, stream: StringIO, terminal_width: int = None, **kwargs) -> None:
Sets some internal attributes in addition to the base class.
A file-like I/O object to use for message output.
terminal_width (optional):
The terminal width to use for all message formatting. By default the :code:`columns` attribute from
:func:`shutil.get_terminal_size` is taken.
Passed to the parent class constructor. The exception is the `formatter_class` parameter: Even if a
class is specified, it will always be subclassed in the :meth:`help_formatter_factory`.
self._stream: StringIO = stream
self._terminal_width: int = terminal_width if terminal_width is not None else get_terminal_size().columns
kwargs['formatter_class'] = self.help_formatter_factory(self._terminal_width, kwargs.get('formatter_class'))
self._flags: Set[str] = set()
self._commands = None
def add_function_command(self, function: Callable, omit_params: Container[str] = OMIT_PARAMS_DEFAULT,
**subparser_kwargs) -> 'ControlParser':
Takes a function and adds a corresponding (sub-)command to the parser.
The :meth:`add_subparsers` method must have been called prior to this.
NOTE: Currently, only a limited spectrum of parameters can be accurately converted to parser arguments.
This method works correctly with any public method of the any task pool class.
The reference to the function to be "converted" to a parser command.
omit_params (optional):
Names of function parameters not to add as parser arguments.
**subparser_kwargs (optional):
Passed directly to the :meth:`add_parser` method.
The subparser instance created from the function.
subparser_kwargs.setdefault(NAME, function.__name__.replace('_', '-'))
subparser_kwargs.setdefault(PROG, subparser_kwargs[NAME])
subparser_kwargs.setdefault(HELP, get_first_doc_line(function))
subparser_kwargs.setdefault(DESCRIPTION, subparser_kwargs[HELP])
subparser: ControlParser = self._commands.add_parser(**subparser_kwargs)
subparser.add_function_args(function, omit_params)
return subparser
def add_property_command(self, prop: property, cls_name: str = '', **subparser_kwargs) -> 'ControlParser':
Same as the :meth:`add_function_command` method, but for properties.
The reference to the property to be "converted" to a parser command.
cls_name (optional):
Name of the class the property is defined on to appear in the command help text.
**subparser_kwargs (optional):
Passed directly to the :meth:`add_parser` method.
The subparser instance created from the property.
subparser_kwargs.setdefault(NAME, prop.fget.__name__.replace('_', '-'))
subparser_kwargs.setdefault(PROG, subparser_kwargs[NAME])
getter_help = get_first_doc_line(prop.fget)
if prop.fset is None:
subparser_kwargs.setdefault(HELP, getter_help)
subparser_kwargs.setdefault(HELP, f"Get/set the `{cls_name}.{subparser_kwargs[NAME]}` property")
subparser_kwargs.setdefault(DESCRIPTION, subparser_kwargs[HELP])
subparser: ControlParser = self._commands.add_parser(**subparser_kwargs)
if prop.fset is not None:
_, param = signature(prop.fset).parameters.values()
setter_arg_help = f"If provided: {get_first_doc_line(prop.fset)} If omitted: {getter_help}"
subparser.add_function_arg(param, nargs='?', default=SUPPRESS, help=setter_arg_help)
return subparser
def add_class_commands(self, cls: Type, public_only: bool = True, omit_members: Container[str] = (),
member_arg_name: str = CMD) -> ParsersDict:
Adds methods/properties of a class as (sub-)commands to the parser.
The :meth:`add_subparsers` method must have been called prior to this.
NOTE: Currently, only a limited spectrum of function parameters can be accurately converted to parser arguments.
This method works correctly with any task pool class.
The reference to the class whose methods/properties are to be "converted" to parser commands.
public_only (optional):
If `False`, protected and private members are considered as well. `True` by default.
omit_members (optional):
Names of functions/properties not to add as parser commands.
member_arg_name (optional):
After parsing the arguments, depending on which command was invoked by the user, the corresponding
method/property will be stored as an extra argument in the parsed namespace under this attribute name.
Dictionary mapping class member names to the (sub-)parsers created from them.
parsers: ParsersDict = {}
common_kwargs = {'stream': self._stream, CLIENT_INFO.TERMINAL_WIDTH: self._terminal_width}
for name, member in getmembers(cls):
if name in omit_members or (name.startswith('_') and public_only):
if isfunction(member):
subparser = self.add_function_command(member, **common_kwargs)
elif isinstance(member, property):
subparser = self.add_property_command(member, cls.__name__, **common_kwargs)
subparser.set_defaults(**{member_arg_name: member})
parsers[name] = subparser
return parsers
def add_subparsers(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Adds the subparsers action as an attribute before returning it."""
self._commands = super().add_subparsers(*args, **kwargs)
return self._commands
def _print_message(self, message: str, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
"""This is overridden to ensure that no messages are sent to stdout/stderr, but always to the stream buffer."""
if message:
def exit(self, status: int = 0, message: str = None) -> None:
"""This is overridden to prevent system exit to be invoked."""
if message:
def error(self, message: str) -> None:
"""Raises the :exc:`ParserError <asyncio_taskpool.exceptions.ParserError>` exception at the end."""
raise ParserError
def print_help(self, file=None) -> None:
"""Raises the :exc:`HelpRequested <asyncio_taskpool.exceptions.HelpRequested>` exception at the end."""
raise HelpRequested
def add_function_arg(self, parameter: Parameter, **kwargs) -> Action:
Takes an :class:`inspect.Parameter` and adds a corresponding parser argument.
NOTE: Currently, only a limited spectrum of parameters can be accurately converted to a parser argument.
This method works correctly with any parameter of any public method any task pool class.
parameter: The :class:`inspect.Parameter` object to be converted to a parser argument.
**kwargs: Passed to the :meth:`add_argument` method of the base class.
The :class:`argparse.Action` returned by the :meth:`add_argument` method.
if parameter.default is Parameter.empty:
# A non-optional function parameter should correspond to a positional argument.
name_or_flags = []
flag = None
long = f'--{"_", "-")}'
# We try to generate a short version (flag) for the argument.
letter =[0]
if letter not in self._flags:
flag = f'-{letter}'
elif letter.upper() not in self._flags:
flag = f'-{letter.upper()}'
name_or_flags = [long] if flag is None else [flag, long]
if parameter.annotation is bool:
# If we are dealing with a boolean parameter, always use the 'store_true' action.
# Even if the parameter's default value is `True`, this will make the parser argument's default `False`.
kwargs.setdefault('action', 'store_true')
# For now, any other type annotation will implicitly use the default action 'store'.
# In addition, we always set the default value.
kwargs.setdefault('default', parameter.default)
if parameter.kind == Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL:
# This is to be able to later unpack an arbitrary number of positional arguments.
kwargs.setdefault('nargs', '*')
if not kwargs.get('action') == 'store_true':
# Set the type from the parameter annotation.
kwargs.setdefault('type', _get_type_from_annotation(parameter.annotation))
return self.add_argument(*name_or_flags, **kwargs)
def add_function_args(self, function: Callable, omit: Container[str] = OMIT_PARAMS_DEFAULT) -> None:
Takes a function and adds its parameters as arguments to the parser.
NOTE: Currently, only a limited spectrum of parameters can be accurately converted to a parser argument.
This method works correctly with any public method of any task pool class.
The function whose parameters are to be converted to parser arguments.
Its parameters must be properly annotated.
omit (optional):
Names of function parameters not to add as parser arguments.
for param in signature(function).parameters.values():
if not in omit:
# TODO: Look into parsing docstrings properly to try and extract argument help text.
# For now, the argument help just shows the type it will be converted to.
self.add_function_arg(param, help=repr(param.annotation))
def _get_arg_type_wrapper(cls: Type) -> Callable[[Any], Any]:
Returns a wrapper for the constructor of `cls` to avoid a ValueError being raised on suppressed arguments.
In addition, the type conversion wrapper catches exceptions not handled properly by the parser, logs them, and
turns them into `ArgumentTypeError` exceptions the parser can propagate to the client.
def wrapper(arg: Any) -> Any:
if arg is SUPPRESS:
return arg
return cls(arg)
except (ArgumentTypeError, TypeError, ValueError):
raise # handled properly by the parser and propagated to the client anyway
except Exception as e:
text = f"{e.__class__.__name__} occurred in parser trying to convert type: {cls.__name__}({repr(arg)})"
raise ArgumentTypeError(text) # propagate to the client
# Copy the name of the class to maintain useful help messages when incorrect arguments are passed.
wrapper.__name__ = cls.__name__
return wrapper
def _get_type_from_annotation(annotation: Type) -> Callable[[Any], Any]:
Returns a type conversion function based on the `annotation` passed.
Required to properly convert parsed arguments to the type expected by certain pool methods.
Each conversion function is wrapped by `_get_arg_type_wrapper`.
`Callable`-type annotations give the `resolve_dotted_path` function.
`Iterable`- or args/kwargs-type annotations give the `ast.literal_eval` function.
Others pass unchanged (but still wrapped with `_get_arg_type_wrapper`).
if any(annotation is t for t in {CoroutineFunc, EndCB, CancelCB}):
annotation = resolve_dotted_path
if any(annotation is t for t in {ArgsT, KwArgsT, Iterable[ArgsT], Iterable[KwArgsT]}):
annotation = literal_eval
return _get_arg_type_wrapper(annotation)