using CSV, Tables, Glob const TEST_DATA_DIR = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "data") function csv_to_matrix(file_path, types=Float32) return, Tables.matrix, header=0, delim=',', types=types) end function load_test_data() inputs_path = joinpath(TEST_DATA_DIR, "inputs.csv") inputs = vec(csv_to_matrix(inputs_path)) weight_matrices, bias_vectors = Matrix{Float32}[], Vector{Float32}[] for file_path in glob("weights*.csv", TEST_DATA_DIR) push!(weight_matrices, csv_to_matrix(file_path)) end for file_path in glob("biases*.csv", TEST_DATA_DIR) push!(bias_vectors, vec(csv_to_matrix(file_path))) end return inputs, [zip(weight_matrices, bias_vectors)...] end function sigmoid(x) return 1 ./ (1 .+ exp.(-x)) end function layer_func(input_vector, weight_matrix, bias_vector) return sigmoid(weight_matrix * input_vector + bias_vector) end function feed_forward(x, layers...) for (w, b) in layers x = layer_func(x, w, b) end return x end function main() n = parse(Int32, ARGS[1]) x, weights_biases = load_test_data() # # To get info about memory allocations etc.: # @time feed_forward(x, weights_biases...) # Call once to compile, then again to time @elapsed feed_forward(x, weights_biases...) t = @elapsed begin for _ in 1:n feed_forward(x, weights_biases...) end end println(round(t, digits=5)) end if abspath(PROGRAM_FILE) == @__FILE__ main() end