
153 lines
6.9 KiB

import logging
import asyncio
from typing import Union, List, Dict
from aiohttp.client import ClientSession
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from bs4.element import Tag
from webutils import in_async_session, gather_in_batches
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# The resulting dictionary's keys correspond to the name of the item (row) in the financial statement,
# while its values will always be tuples with a length corresponding to the number of periods (columns)
# and elements being the actual numbers, with the exception of the first key-value-pair, which will represent
# the end dates of the reporting periods as strings (either years or quarters).
ResultDict = dict[str, Union[tuple[float], tuple[str]]]
async def soup_from_url(url: str, session: ClientSession = None) -> BeautifulSoup:
Requests a web page and turns the response text into BeautifulSoup.
async with session.get(url) as response:
html = await response.text()
return BeautifulSoup(html, HTML_PARSER)
def extract_end_dates(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> tuple[str]:
Finds and returns the end dates of the reporting periods as strings (either years or quarters) from the page of a
financial statement.
ths = soup.find('div', attrs={'class': 'financials'}).thead.find_all('th')
return tuple(str(th.string).strip() for th in ths[1:-1])
def get_all_table_rows(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> List[Tag]:
Returns the table rows containing the data of interest.
return soup.find('div', attrs={'class': 'financials'}).tbody.find_all('tr')
def extract_row_data(tr: Tag) -> tuple[str, tuple[float]]:
Returns the name of the item displayed in the table row (of a financial statement)
as well as a number for each reporting period.
item_name = str(
data_div = tr.find_all('td')[-1].div.div
values_str: str = data_div.attrs['data-chart-data']
values = tuple(float(s if s != '' else 0) for s in values_str.split(','))
return item_name, values
def extract_all_data(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> ResultDict:
Extracts financials from the page.
output = {END_DATE: extract_end_dates(soup)}
for row in get_all_table_rows(soup):
row_data = extract_row_data(row)
output[row_data[0]] = row_data[1]
return output
async def _get_single_company_fin_stmt(statement: str, ticker_symbol: str, quarterly: bool = False,
session: ClientSession = None) -> ResultDict:
Returns data from the specified financial statement of the specified company.
""""Scraping {statement} for {ticker_symbol}")
url = f'{BASE_URL}/{ticker_symbol}/financials{FIN_STMT_URL_SUFFIX[statement]}'
if quarterly:
url += '/quarter'
soup = await soup_from_url(url, session)
return extract_all_data(soup)
async def _get_multi_companies_fin_stmt(statement: str, *ticker_symbols: str, quarterly: bool = False,
concurrent_batch_size: int = DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_BATCH_SIZE,
session: ClientSession = None) -> Union[ResultDict, Dict[str, ResultDict]]:
if len(ticker_symbols) == 1:
return await _get_single_company_fin_stmt(statement, ticker_symbols[0], quarterly, session)
coroutines = (_get_single_company_fin_stmt(statement, symbol, quarterly, session) for symbol in ticker_symbols)
result_list = await gather_in_batches(concurrent_batch_size, *coroutines)
return {symbol: data for symbol, data in zip(ticker_symbols, result_list)}
async def get_balance_sheet(*ticker_symbols: str, quarterly: bool = False,
concurrent_batch_size: int = DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_BATCH_SIZE,
session: ClientSession = None) -> Union[ResultDict, Dict[str, ResultDict]]:
Returns data from the balance sheet of the specified company.
return await _get_multi_companies_fin_stmt(BS, *ticker_symbols,
quarterly=quarterly, concurrent_batch_size=concurrent_batch_size,
async def get_income_statement(*ticker_symbols: str, quarterly: bool = False,
concurrent_batch_size: int = DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_BATCH_SIZE,
session: ClientSession = None) -> Union[ResultDict, Dict[str, ResultDict]]:
Returns data from the income statement of the specified company.
return await _get_multi_companies_fin_stmt(IS, *ticker_symbols,
quarterly=quarterly, concurrent_batch_size=concurrent_batch_size,
async def get_cash_flow_statement(*ticker_symbols: str, quarterly: bool = False,
concurrent_batch_size: int = DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_BATCH_SIZE,
session: ClientSession = None) -> Union[ResultDict, Dict[str, ResultDict]]:
Returns data from the cash flow statement of the specified company.
return await _get_multi_companies_fin_stmt(CF, *ticker_symbols,
quarterly=quarterly, concurrent_batch_size=concurrent_batch_size,
async def _get_single_company_all_financials(ticker_symbol: str, quarterly: bool = False,
session: ClientSession = None) -> Dict[str, ResultDict]:
coroutines = (_get_single_company_fin_stmt(stmt, ticker_symbol, quarterly, session) for stmt in (BS, IS, CF))
results = await asyncio.gather(*coroutines)
return {stmt: data for stmt, data in zip((BS, IS, CF), results)}
async def get_all_financials(*ticker_symbols: str, quarterly: bool = False,
concurrent_batch_size: int = DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_BATCH_SIZE,
session: ClientSession = None) -> Union[Dict[str, ResultDict],
Dict[str, Dict[str, ResultDict]]]:
Returns all fundamentals (balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement) of the specified company.
if len(ticker_symbols) == 1:
return await _get_single_company_all_financials(ticker_symbols[0], quarterly, session)
coroutines = (_get_single_company_all_financials(symbol, quarterly, session) for symbol in ticker_symbols)
result_list = await gather_in_batches(concurrent_batch_size, *coroutines)
return {symbol: data for symbol, data in zip(ticker_symbols, result_list)}