# syslogformat Python `logging.Formatter` class for syslog style messages ## Usage Example with in-code setup: ```python # example.py import logging from syslogformat import SyslogFormatter log = logging.getLogger() hdl = logging.StreamHandler() fmt = SyslogFormatter() hdl.setFormatter(fmt) hdl.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) log.addHandler(hdl) log.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) log.debug("foo") log.info("bar") log.warning("baz") try: raise ValueError("this is bad") except ValueError as e: log.exception("oh no") ``` This is what the output should be like: ``` <7>DEBUG | foo <6>INFO | bar <4>WARNING | baz | example..14 <3>ERROR | oh no | example..18 | 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/path/to/example.py", line 16, in \n raise ValueError("this is bad")\nValueError: this is bad' ``` Same configuration with YAML file to be loaded into `logging.config.dictConfig`: ```yaml version: 1 formatters: custom: (): syslogformat.SyslogFormatter handlers: console: class: logging.StreamHandler level: NOTSET formatter: custom stream: ext://sys.stdout root: level: NOTSET handlers: [console] ``` ## Installation `pip install syslogformat` ## Dependencies Python Version 3 ## Building from source Run `python -m build`