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import sys
from typing import Dict, TYPE_CHECKING
from bs4.element import Tag
from .form import FormField, Form
INPUT, SELECT, OPTION = 'input', 'select', 'option'
NAME, VALUE, SELECTED = 'name', 'value', 'selected'
NON_PRINTABLE_TO_NONE = {code: None for code in range(sys.maxunicode + 1) if not chr(code).isprintable()}
class WrongInterface(Exception):
class FieldInterfaceWrong(WrongInterface):
class SelectOptionsWrong(FieldInterfaceWrong):
class IncompleteForm(WrongInterface):
class UnknownField(WrongInterface):
def printable_only(string: str) -> str:
return string.translate(NON_PRINTABLE_TO_NONE)
def check_select_field_options(field_tag: Tag, field_interface: 'FormField', check_defaults: bool = True) -> None:
Compares the `options` and `default` attributes of a `'FormField'` object with the options of its HTML counterpart.
field_tag: The `bs4.Tag` object representing the <select> HTML tag
field_interface: The `'FormField'` to check against the HTML tag
check_defaults (optional): If set to `False`, pre-selected options are not compared to the defined `default`
if the `options` dictionary is not entirely equal to a dictionary with the <option> tag `values` as keys
and their visible text as values
if the `default` is not equal to the value of the <option> tag which has the `selected` attribute
html_options = {(tag[VALUE], printable_only(tag.get_text(strip=True))) for tag in field_tag.find_all(OPTION)}
2022-01-01 17:21:36 +01:00
interface_options = set(field_interface.options.items())
missing_in_interface = html_options - interface_options
not_in_html = interface_options - html_options
s = ""
if missing_in_interface:
s += "\nThe following <options> HTML tags were not found in the interface:\n"
s += "\n".join(str(tup) for tup in missing_in_interface)
if not_in_html:
s += "\nThe following options were defined, but are not present in the HTML:\n"
s += "\n".join(str(tup) for tup in not_in_html)
if s:
raise SelectOptionsWrong(f"Wrong options in field '{field_interface.name}'." + s)
if check_defaults:
default_option = field_tag.find(lambda tag: tag.name == OPTION and tag.has_attr(SELECTED))
if default_option is not None and default_option[VALUE] != field_interface.default:
raise FieldInterfaceWrong(f"Default option '{default_option[VALUE]}' missing for {field_interface}")
def check_field_interface(field_tag: Tag, field_interface: 'FormField', check_defaults: bool = True) -> None:
Compares all attributes of a `'FormField'` object with its HTML counterpart.
Calls `check_select_field_options` on select fields.
field_tag: The `bs4.Tag` object representing the <input> or <select> HTML tag
field_interface: The `'FormField'` to check against the HTML tag
check_defaults (optional): If set to `False`, pre-set field values or pre-selected options are not checked
when dealing with an <input> tag, but `options` were defined on the interface, or
when the `default` does not match the tag's `value` attribute
assert field_tag[NAME] == field_interface.name
if field_tag.name == INPUT:
if field_interface.options is not None:
raise FieldInterfaceWrong(f"Options provided for input field '{field_interface.name}'")
if check_defaults:
default = field_tag.attrs.get(VALUE)
if field_interface.default != default:
raise FieldInterfaceWrong(f"Input field default not correct on '{field_interface}'")
if field_tag.name == SELECT:
check_select_field_options(field_tag, field_interface, check_defaults=check_defaults)
def check_form_interface(form_tag: Tag, form_interface: 'Form', check_defaults: bool = True) -> None:
Compares all fields of a `Form` object with the fields found in its HTML counterpart.
Calls `check_field_interface` on each field.
form_tag: The `bs4.Tag` object representing the <form> HTML tag
form_interface: The `Form` to check against the HTML tag
check_defaults (optional): If set to `False`, pre-set field values or pre-selected options are not checked
if any of the fields' name does not correspond to the `name` attribute of a field in the HTML form
if a field in the HTML form has not been defined in the form interface
field_tags: Dict[str, Tag] = {tag[NAME]: tag for tag in form_tag.find_all(INPUT) + form_tag.find_all(SELECT)}
for field in form_interface.fields.values():
tag = field_tags.pop(field.name, None)
if tag is None:
raise UnknownField(f"The defined field does not exist in the form: {field}")
check_field_interface(tag, field, check_defaults=check_defaults)
if len(field_tags) > 0:
raise IncompleteForm(f"Form interface missing fields: {list(field_tags.keys())}")
def get_field_value(form_tag: Tag, field_name: str) -> str:
Returns the string value of the `value` attribute of a form field with a specified name.
form_tag: The `bs4.Tag` object representing the <form> HTML tag
field_name: The value of the `name` attribute of the form field of interest
if no field with the specified name exists in the HTML form
if the field with the specified name does not have a `value` attribute
def form_field_has_the_name(tag: Tag):
return tag.name in {INPUT, SELECT} and tag.has_attr(NAME) and tag[NAME] == field_name
field = form_tag.find(form_field_has_the_name)
if field is None:
raise ValueError(f"No form field with the name '{field_name}' found")
if not field.has_attr(VALUE):
raise AttributeError(f"Field with the name '{field_name}' has no `value` attribute")
return field[VALUE]
def get_field_values(form_tag: Tag, form_interface: 'Form', required_fields_only: bool = True) -> Dict[str, str]:
Goes through the fields of a `Form` object and tries to retrieve a value for each from an HTML <form>.
form_tag: The `bs4.Tag` object representing the <form> HTML tag
form_interface: The `Form` for which to get the field values
required_fields_only (optional): If `True` (default), values will be retrieved only for the required fields
Dictionary with each key-value-pair representing a (required) field for which a `value` attribute existed in the
HTML form, with the key being identical to that of the field in the `Form.required_fields` dictionary and the
value being the actual `value` attribute's string value
output_dict = {}
for key, field in form_interface.fields.items():
if required_fields_only and not field.required:
output_dict[key] = get_field_value(form_tag, field.name)
except AttributeError:
return output_dict