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from importlib import import_module
from typing import Dict, Callable, Union, Optional, Any, TYPE_CHECKING
2021-12-22 08:54:36 +01:00
from aiohttp import ClientSession as AioSession, ClientResponse as AioResponse
from requests import Session as ReqSession, Response as ReqResponse
from bs4.element import Tag as BS4Tag
from .utils import PathT, yaml_overload
CallableDefaultT = Callable[[], Optional[str]]
DefaultInitT = Union[str, Dict[str, str]]
OptionsT = Dict[str, str]
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class FormField:
def __init__(self, name: str, default: DefaultInitT = None, options: OptionsT = None, required: bool = False):
self.name: str = name
self._default: Union[str, CallableDefaultT, None]
if isinstance(default, dict):
module, function = default['module'], default['function']
except KeyError:
raise TypeError(f"Default for field '{name}' is invalid. The default must be either a string or a "
f"dictionary with the special keys 'module' and 'function'.")
obj = import_module(module)
for attr in function.split('.'):
obj = getattr(obj, attr)
self._default = obj
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elif default is None:
self._default = None
self._default = str(default)
self.options: Optional[OptionsT] = None
if options is not None:
self.options = {str(k): str(v) for k, v in options.items()}
self.required: bool = required
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def __repr__(self) -> str:
s = '<InputField' if self.options is None else '<SelectField'
s += f': name="{self.name}"'
if self._default is not None:
s += f', default="{self.default}"'
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if self.required:
s += ', required=True'
if self.options is not None:
s += f', options={self.options}'
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return s + '>'
def __str__(self) -> str:
return repr(self)
def default(self) -> Optional[str]:
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return self._default() if callable(self._default) else self._default
def valid_option(self, option: str) -> bool:
return self.options is None or option in self.options.keys() or option in self.options.values()
def clean(self, value: str) -> str:
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if self.options is None or value in self.options.keys():
return value
# Try to find an unambiguous match in the visible option texts:
key = None
for option_key, option_text in self.options.items():
if option_text == value:
if key is not None:
raise LookupError(f'More than one options key has the text "{value}" in {self}')
key = option_key
if key is not None:
return key
raise ValueError(f'"{value}" is not a valid option for {self}')
def check_with_html(self, field_tag: 'BS4Tag', check_defaults: bool = True) -> None:
from .html import check_field_interface
check_field_interface(field_tag, self, check_defaults=check_defaults)
def get_value_from_html_form(self, form_tag: 'BS4Tag') -> Optional[str]:
from .html import get_field_value
return get_field_value(form_tag, self.name)
except AttributeError:
return None
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class Form:
def fields_from_dict(definition: Dict[str, Optional[dict]]) -> Dict[str, FormField]:
Takes a dictionary defining form fields and creates `FormFields` objects from it.
Every key in `definition` is interpreted as the field's name.
The corresponding value can be `None` or a dictionary that can be unpacked into the FormField constructor call
alongside the name.
The special key `alias` in a field's dictionary is also allowed. If it is present, the corresponding value
will be used as the key in the output dictionary; otherwise the field's name is used as the key.
The constructed `FormField` objects are the values in the output dictionary.
field_dict = {}
for name, field_def in definition.items():
if field_def is None:
field_def = {}
if isinstance(field_def, dict):
alias = field_def.pop('alias', name)
field_dict[alias] = FormField(name, **field_def)
raise TypeError("Field definitions must be either dictionaries or `None`")
return field_dict
def __init__(self, definition: Dict[str, Dict], full_payload: bool = True, url: str = None):
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Creates a form instance from a definition dictionary. Each element in the dictionary must define a field.
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The field definition dictionary
full_payload (optional):
Defines the behavior during payload validation/creation.
If True (default), the fields' predefined default values will be inserted into the payload,
wherever no value (or `None`) is explicitly passed for that field.
If False, fields for which no values were explicitly passed, will not be included in the payload.
The exception is required fields; these will cause an error, if no value is provided.
url (optional):
Can be set in advance to the url that requests using this form's payload should be made to.
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self.fields: Dict[str, FormField] = self.fields_from_dict(definition)
self.full_payload_always: bool = full_payload
self.url: Optional[str] = url
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def __repr__(self) -> str:
fields = ', '.join(f"'{alias}': {field}" for alias, field in self.fields.items())
return f'Form({fields})'
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def required_fields(self) -> Dict[str, FormField]:
return {alias: field for alias, field in self.fields.items() if field.required}
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def get_payload(self, **kwargs: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
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Creates a request payload from the form's fields as a dictionary,
where the keys represent the name attributes of the form fields and the values the actual values to be passed.
This payload can then be used for example in a GET request in the form of url parameters (after encoding it
in the appropriate string form) or in a regular POST request.
kwargs (optional):
Every key must correspond to an alias or name of a field in the internal dictionary of fields;
otherwise that key-value-pair is ignored.
If both a field's alias and name are different and both are present as keys in `kwargs`,
the alias-key takes precedence.
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Values will be passed into the payload (if they pass validation).
Select fields with predefined options will only allow one of the options to be passed.
If `None` is passed as a value, the corresponding field's default value will be used in the payload.
Validated name-value-mapping to be used for HTTP requests from the form's fields.
payload = {}
for alias, field in self.fields.items():
if alias in kwargs.keys():
value = kwargs[alias]
payload[field.name] = field.default if value is None else field.clean(value)
elif alias != field.name and field.name in kwargs.keys():
value = kwargs[field.name]
payload[field.name] = field.default if value is None else field.clean(value)
elif field.required:
raise ValueError(f"`{alias}` is a required field, but no argument was passed.")
elif self.full_payload_always:
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payload[field.name] = field.default
return payload
async def post_aio(self, _aiohttp_session_obj: 'AioSession' = None, **kwargs: str) -> 'AioResponse':
Uses `aiohttp` to perform a POST request to `.url` with the form's payload generated using `kwargs`.
_aiohttp_session_obj (optional):
Can be set to a pre-existing `aiohttp.ClientSession` instance that should be used for the request.
Passed directly into `.get_payload`.
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The `aiohttp.ClientResponse` object from the request.
if self.url is None:
raise AttributeError("`url` attribute not set")
from aiohttp import ClientSession, ClientResponse
from webutils import in_async_session
async def post(url: str, data: dict, session: ClientSession = None) -> ClientResponse:
async with session.post(url, data=data) as response:
return response
return await post(self.url, self.get_payload(**kwargs), session=_aiohttp_session_obj)
def post_req(self, _requests_session_obj: 'ReqSession' = None, **kwargs: str) -> 'ReqResponse':
Uses `requests` to perform a POST request to `.url` with the form's payload generated using `kwargs`.
_requests_session_obj (optional):
Can be set to a pre-existing `requests.Session` instance that should be used for the request.
Passed directly into `.get_payload`.
The `requests.Response` object from the request.
if self.url is None:
raise AttributeError("`url` attribute not set")
if _requests_session_obj is not None:
return _requests_session_obj.post(self.url, data=self.get_payload(**kwargs))
from requests import post
return post(self.url, data=self.get_payload(**kwargs))
def check_with_html(self, form_tag: 'BS4Tag', check_defaults: bool = True) -> None:
from .html import check_form_interface
check_form_interface(form_tag, self, check_defaults=check_defaults)
def get_values_from_html_form(self, form_tag: 'BS4Tag', required_fields_only: bool = True) -> Dict[str, str]:
from .html import get_field_values
return get_field_values(form_tag, self, required_fields_only=required_fields_only)
def load_form(*def_paths: PathT, dir_sort_key: Callable[[PathT], Any] = None, dir_sort_reverse: bool = False,
full_payload: bool = True, url: str = None) -> Form:
Creates a form instance from an arbitrary number of definition files in YAML format.
Paths to the YAML files containing the form definitions; see the `paths` parameter in `yaml_overload`
dir_sort_key (optional):
See `yaml_overload`
dir_sort_reverse (optional):
See `yaml_overload`
full_payload (optional):
See the `Form` constructor
url (optional):
See the `Form` constructor
return Form(
definition=yaml_overload(*def_paths, dir_sort_key=dir_sort_key, dir_sort_reverse=dir_sort_reverse),