client cli and usage example

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Daniil Fajnberg 2022-02-04 16:25:44 +01:00
parent 6a5c200ae6
commit b3b95877fb
3 changed files with 110 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from asyncio import run
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Any
from .client import ControlClient, UnixControlClient
from .constants import PACKAGE_NAME
from .pool import TaskPool
from .server import ControlServer
CONN_TYPE = 'conn_type'
UNIX, TCP = 'unix', 'tcp'
SOCKET_PATH = 'path'
def parse_cli() -> Dict[str, Any]:
parser = ArgumentParser(
description=f"CLI based {ControlClient.__name__} for {PACKAGE_NAME}"
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="Connection types", dest=CONN_TYPE)
unix_parser = subparsers.add_parser(UNIX, help="Connect via unix socket")
help=f"Path to the unix socket on which the {ControlServer.__name__} for the {TaskPool.__name__} is listening."
return vars(parser.parse_args())
async def main():
kwargs = parse_cli()
if kwargs[CONN_TYPE] == UNIX:
client = UnixControlClient(path=kwargs[SOCKET_PATH])
elif kwargs[CONN_TYPE] == TCP:
# TODO: Implement the TCP client class
client = UnixControlClient(path=kwargs[SOCKET_PATH])
print("Invalid connection type", file=sys.stderr)
await client.start()
if __name__ == '__main__':

usage/ Normal file
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usage/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
import asyncio
import logging
from asyncio_taskpool import TaskPool, UnixControlServer
from asyncio_taskpool.constants import PACKAGE_NAME
async def work(item: int) -> None:
"""The non-blocking sleep simulates something like an I/O operation that can be done asynchronously."""
await asyncio.sleep(1)
print("worked on", item)
async def worker(q: asyncio.Queue) -> None:
"""Simulates doing asynchronous work that takes a little bit of time to finish."""
# We only want the worker to stop, when its task is cancelled; therefore we start an infinite loop.
while True:
# We want to block here, until we can get the next item from the queue.
item = await q.get()
# Since we want a nice cleanup upon cancellation, we put the "work" to be done in a `try:` block.
await work(item)
except asyncio.CancelledError:
# If the task gets cancelled before our current "work" item is finished, we put it back into the queue
# because a worker must assume that some other worker can and will eventually finish the work on that item.
# This takes us out of the loop. To enable cleanup we must re-raise the exception.
# Since putting an item into the queue (even if it has just been taken out), increments the internal
# `._unfinished_tasks` counter in the queue, we must ensure that it is decremented before we end the
# iteration or leave the loop. Otherwise, the queue's `.join()` will block indefinitely.
async def main() -> None:
# First, we set up a queue of items that our workers can "work" on.
q = asyncio.Queue()
# We just put some integers into our queue, since all our workers actually do, is print an item and sleep for a bit.
for item in range(100):
pool = TaskPool(worker, (q,)) # initializes the pool
pool.start(3) # launches three worker tasks
control_server_task = await UnixControlServer(pool, path='/tmp/py_asyncio_taskpool.sock').serve_forever()
# We block until `.task_done()` has been called once by our workers for every item placed into the queue.
await q.join()
# Since we don't need any "work" done anymore, we can close our control server by cancelling the task.
# Since our workers should now be stuck waiting for more items to pick from the queue, but no items are left,
# we can now safely cancel their tasks.
# Finally we allow for all tasks to do do their cleanup, if they need to do any, upon being cancelled.
# We block until they all return or raise an exception, but since we are not interested in any of their exceptions,
# we just silently collect their exceptions along with their return values.
await pool.gather(return_exceptions=True)
await control_server_task
if __name__ == '__main__':