
291 lines
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// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.
#include "AdventureMap.h"
#include "HexTile.h"
#include "AdventurePlayerController.h"
#include "Kismet/GameplayStatics.h"
#include "Algo/Reverse.h"
// Sets default values
FHexVector NBs[] = { NNE, E, SSE, SSW, W, NNW };
NeighborUnitVectors.Append(NBs, UE_ARRAY_COUNT(NBs));
FHexVector DNBs[] = { N, ENE, ESE, S, WSW, WNW };
DiagonalUnitVectors.Append(DNBs, UE_ARRAY_COUNT(DNBs));
// Called when the game starts or when spawned
void AAdventureMap::BeginPlay()
World = GetWorld();
if (IsValid(BaseTileClass)) {
// Called once on Begin Play
void AAdventureMap::MakeGrid()
FVector NextHexAt = FVector();
float HexWidth = sqrt(3) * TileSize;
int QOffset = 0;
for (int r = 1; r <= GridSize; r++) {
float XOffset = 0.f;
if (r % 2 != 0) { if (r > 1) { QOffset--; } }
else { XOffset = HexWidth / 2; }
for (int q = 1; q <= GridSize; q++) {
NextHexAt.X = XOffset + (HexWidth * q);
NextHexAt.Y = TileSize * 1.5f * r;
NextHexAt.Z = 0.f;
FTransform SpawnTransform = FTransform(NextHexAt);
AHexTile* Tile = World->SpawnActor<AHexTile>(BaseTileClass, SpawnTransform);
Tile->Q = q - 1 + QOffset;
Tile->R = r - 1;
for (auto& tile : Grid) {
tile->Index = GridIndex(tile->Q, tile->R);
bHexGridReady = true;
// Every Hex Tile's index within the Grid Array can be derived from its Axial Q and R coordinates
int32 AAdventureMap::GridIndex(int32 qAxial, int32 rAxial)
* The Q axis is (i.e. columns are) oriented diagonally.
* The Hex Grid has a rough square shape, hence the Q coordinates must be offset by -1 every other row.
int32 column = qAxial + FMath::FloorToInt(rAxial / 2.);
return (rAxial * GridSize) + column;
AHexTile* AAdventureMap::RandomHex()
int32 RandHex = FMath::RandRange(0, GridSize*GridSize-1);
return Grid[RandHex];
TArray<AHexTile*> AAdventureMap::Neighbors(AHexTile* OfHex, bool bFreeOnly = false)
TArray<AHexTile*> Results;
for (auto& V : NeighborUnitVectors) {
int32 I = GridIndex(OfHex->Q + V.Q, OfHex->R + V.R);
if (Grid.IsValidIndex(I)) {
AHexTile* H = Grid[I];
if (bFreeOnly && !H->bFree) { continue; }
if (H->Distance(OfHex) == 1) { Results.Add(H); }
return Results;
TArray<AHexTile*> AAdventureMap::FreeDiagonals(AHexTile* OfHex)
TArray<AHexTile*> Results;
for (auto& V : DiagonalUnitVectors) {
int32 I = GridIndex(OfHex->Q + V.Q, OfHex->R + V.R);
if (!Grid.IsValidIndex(I)) { continue; }
else {
bool bReachable = true;
for (AHexTile* PotentialBlock : Neighbors(OfHex)) {
if (PotentialBlock->Distance(Grid[I]) != 1) { continue; }
if (!PotentialBlock->bFree) {
bReachable = false;
if (bReachable) { Results.Add(Grid[I]); }
return Results;
TSet<AHexTile*> AAdventureMap::BreadthFirstSearch(AHexTile* Start, int32 Radius)
TSet<AHexTile*> Results;
TArray<AHexTile*> ToExamine;
TSet<AHexTile*> Processed;
while (!ToExamine.IsEmpty()) {
AHexTile* Candidate = ToExamine[0];
for (AHexTile* Neighbor : Neighbors(Candidate)) {
if (Neighbor->Distance(Candidate) > 1) { continue; }
if (Processed.Contains(Neighbor)) { continue; }
if (Neighbor->Distance(Start) > Radius) { continue; }
return Results;
TArray<AHexTile*> AAdventureMap::FindPathAStar(AHexTile* Start, AHexTile* Goal, bool bDiags)
TArray<AHexTile*> ToExamine;
TSet<AHexTile*> Processed;
while (!ToExamine.IsEmpty()) {
AHexTile* Candidate = ToExamine[0];
// find Hex with lower estimatet F-cost
for (AHexTile* t : ToExamine) {
t->FCost = t->GCost + t->HCost;
if (t->FCost < Candidate->FCost || t->FCost == Candidate->FCost && t->HCost < Candidate->HCost) { Candidate = t; }
// exit
if (Candidate == Goal) { break; }
// expand frontier & adjust path data
for (AHexTile* Neighbor : Neighbors(Candidate, true)) {
if (!Neighbor->bFree) { continue; }
if (Processed.Contains(Neighbor)) { continue; }
bool bInToExamine = ToExamine.Contains(Neighbor);
float NewGCost = Candidate->GCost + Neighbor->MoveCost;
if (NewGCost < Neighbor->GCost || !bInToExamine) {
Neighbor->GCost = NewGCost;
Neighbor->CameFrom = Candidate; // chain
Neighbor->bDiagMove = false;
if (!bInToExamine) {
Neighbor->HCost = Neighbor->Distance(Goal);
} }
TArray<AHexTile*> Path;
if (!IsValid(Goal->CameFrom)) { return Path; }
AHexTile* iPathNode = Goal;
while (iPathNode != Start) {
iPathNode = iPathNode->CameFrom;
if (bDiags) {
Path = ShortcutAStar(Path);
return Path;
// very bro-sciency approach to pathfinding for diagonal Hex-movement
TArray<AHexTile*> AAdventureMap::ShortcutAStar(TArray<AHexTile*> Path)
TArray<AHexTile*> Shortcut;
int32 Len = Path.Num();
TArray<AHexTile*> WorkingSegment;
AHexTile* CurrentHex = PCRef->CurrentHex;
int32 h = 0;
// create segments for each bend
FHexVector PrevDir = FHexVector(Path[0], CurrentHex);
FHexVector DirASave = PrevDir;
FHexVector DirA;
int32 HexesBeforeBend = 1;
for (h; h < Len-1; h++) {
DirA = FHexVector(Path[h+1], Path[h]);
if (DirA != PrevDir) { break; } // save Path[h] into Array of Bends
PrevDir = DirA;
PrevDir = DirA;
FHexVector DirB;
int32 HexesAfterBend = 0;
for (h; h < Len - 1; h++) {
DirB = FHexVector(Path[h+1], Path[h]);
if (DirB != PrevDir) { break; }
PrevDir = DirB;
if (HexesAfterBend == 0)
{ return Path; }
FHexVector UnitDiag = UnitDiagFromUnitNB(DirASave, DirB);
AHexTile* Milestone = WorkingSegment.Last();
int32 NumDiags = (HexesBeforeBend >= HexesAfterBend) ? HexesAfterBend : HexesBeforeBend;
int32 NumTries = (HexesBeforeBend >= HexesAfterBend) ? HexesBeforeBend : HexesAfterBend;
bool bDiagAdded = false;
for (int i = 0; i < NumTries; i++) {
if (NumDiags == 0) {
Shortcut.Append(FindPathAStar(CurrentHex, Milestone, false));
if (DiagIsReachable(CurrentHex, UnitDiag)) {
int32 CanIndex = GridIndex(CurrentHex->Q + UnitDiag.Q, CurrentHex->R + UnitDiag.R);
if (Grid.IsValidIndex(CanIndex)) {
AHexTile* Candidate = Grid[CanIndex];
if (Candidate->bFree) {
bDiagAdded = true;
CurrentHex = Candidate;
} } }
if (!bDiagAdded && !DiagIsReachable(CurrentHex, UnitDiag)) {
CurrentHex = WorkingSegment[i + 1];
if (bDiagAdded && !DiagIsReachable(CurrentHex, UnitDiag)) {
Shortcut.Append(FindPathAStar(CurrentHex, Milestone, true));
if (Milestone != Path.Last()) { Shortcut.Append(FindPathAStar(Milestone, Path.Last(), true)); }
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Hexes before bend: %d"), HexesBeforeBend);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Hexes after bend: %d"), HexesAfterBend);
return Shortcut;
FHexVector AAdventureMap::UnitDiagFromUnitNB(FHexVector InVecA, FHexVector InVecB) {
if (InVecA == NNW && InVecB == NNE||InVecB == NNW && InVecA == NNE) { return N; }
if (InVecA == NNE && InVecB == E ||InVecB == NNE && InVecA == E) { return ENE; }
if (InVecA == E && InVecB == SSE||InVecB == E && InVecA == SSE) { return ESE; }
if (InVecA == SSE && InVecB == SSW||InVecB == SSE && InVecA == SSW) { return S; }
if (InVecA == SSW && InVecB == W ||InVecB == SSW && InVecA == W) { return WSW; }
if (InVecA == W && InVecB == NNW||InVecB == W && InVecA == NNW) { return WNW; }
return FHexVector();
bool AAdventureMap::DiagIsReachable(AHexTile* InStart, FHexVector InDiagUnitVec) {
FHexVector BlockA;
FHexVector BlockB;
if (InDiagUnitVec == N) { BlockA = NNW, BlockB = NNE; }
if (InDiagUnitVec == ENE) { BlockA = NNE, BlockB = E; }
if (InDiagUnitVec == ESE) { BlockA = E, BlockB = SSE; }
if (InDiagUnitVec == S) { BlockA = SSE, BlockB = SSW; }
if (InDiagUnitVec == WSW) { BlockA = SSW, BlockB = W; }
if (InDiagUnitVec == WNW) { BlockA = W, BlockB = NNW; }
int32 IndexA = GridIndex(InStart->Q + BlockA.Q, InStart->R + BlockA.R);
int32 IndexB = GridIndex(InStart->Q + BlockB.Q, InStart->R + BlockB.R);
if (!Grid.IsValidIndex(IndexA) || !Grid.IsValidIndex(IndexB)) { return false; }
AHexTile* HexA = Grid[IndexA];
AHexTile* HexB = Grid[IndexB];
return (HexA->bFree && HexB->bFree);